• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
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Leaving Carousel Boutique the morning before he and Yona are set to debut their latest fashion line, Sandbar finds himself thinking about life, love, the future, and what his relationship with Yona might mean in a larger, universal sense.

Unfortunately, thinking's not the sort of thing that usually turns out well for him.

The original version of this story placed second in the 131st Writeoff, Cutting Corners.

Chapters (1)

The Super Rainbow Dash fanfic, as written by her concept creator.

The follow-up to this fic can be found here: "Harmonic Retribution ~HERO~"


The Elements of Harmony. The most powerful magic in all of Equestria...

For two times now, they have been wielded by six individual ponies, bound together by the Magic of Friendship, to successfully counter the wicked and chaotic ambitions of those who sought to conquer the world.

Yet, for all their usefulness, these magical artifacts still remain a mystery to most of ponykind. Perhaps the most important question is, was it really the full potential of them that was displayed by the wielders? Or is there simply more than what meets the eye?

When Rainbow Dash recieves an updated version of the book focusing on the Elements of Harmony and reads its new chapter that tells of a special incident that supposedly happened eons ago, soon, a series of events happen afterward. Events which ultimately culminate in Rainbow Dash discovering her true destiny, as well as discovering what she really holds inside in her very own soul...


As this fic was started in 2012, the setting of it is after the events of the Canterlot Wedding, and therefore ignores most of season 3 and 4 while keeping some of what was revealed about the Elements of Harmony in those seasons intact, including the Tree of Harmony.

The main theme of this fic, as well as the theme of Super Rainbow Dash, is Daiki Kasho's "5OUL ON D!SPLAY" from Gran Turismo 5/6/Sport/7.

Super Rainbow Dash concept and design by me. Conceptualized in the summer of 2011, pre-dating Hasbro's Rainbow Power forms.

The short animation on YouTube by TehJadeh.
Fanart collection.

Cover art by DomesticMaid and me.

Chapters (7)

Video games are awesome. Nopony will deny that, especially not Button Mash. However, when Button's grades begin to slip and his teacher threatens to hold him back a year, Button realizes that if he is ever going to be with his sweetheart, Sweetie Belle, then he's going to have to get his act together and fast.

Special thanks to TheExhaustedBrony for helping me with this story. Seriously, this guy is sooooooo awesome at everything ever and is totally the best! Also thanks to BrownieBorn for proof reading and giving feedback!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A New Dynasty

The Crystal Empire has cut all ties with Equestria as a result of the banishment of Princess Twilight. The retired Royal Sisters speak the Crystal Empire's royal family. The Crystal Empire's royal family speak to a lost family member. And Discord speaks to someone else.

Chapters (1)

It was the aftermath of Tirek´s attack and Discord´s recent betrayal. They are all still recovering from the attack and are getting all of their magic back. However, out in sea, ships are being attacked by something...., something they can´t fathom, not even Discord can fathom, he may be blamed but one thing is for sure. Equestria is not safe, but this time it´s a creature not of their world.

It´s time for another crossover with the king of the monsters, and Equestria along with everypony is doomed.

Based on Godzilla: Minus One

Chapters (10)

"No. No. No. NO! I CANT be in love with Discord!" shouted Rainbow out loud to herself. She sat down on the ground behind the door of her cloud castle. Her eyes were wide, her mane was a mess, and she was breathing heavily. She didn't know what to do next.

Chapters (5)

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town, not a creature was stirring, except Sunset Shimmer with her indifferent frown. She wouldn't care a bit about the holidays. The word made her curse. Her friends tried to fix it, but it only made things worse. Later on, the ex-villain gets a visit from her old home. Soon, she learns that Christmas is not about being alone.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy has a long standing policy of not letting Discord alter reality for her benefit. She won't let him make her unfathomably rich. She won't let him give her untold power. She won't even let him make her immortal.

But she has taught him that friends are allowed to give gifts and help each other.

So if he can make everypony in Equestria her friend, then they'll just give her everything she could ever want!

The plan's flawless!

He's so smart.

Featured 12/26/2023 - 12/28/2023!

Written as a gift for for PseudoBob Delightus as part of Jinglemas 2023!

Chapters (1)

The nights are getting longer and there's a chill in the air, you know what that means! Hearths Warming is here!

Twilight and her friends get together for a little Hearths Warming Eve party but unfortunately, four Changelings, who refused to reform after Queen Chrysalis' defeat, are here to exact their revenge. Luckily, Rainbow Dash is still free, and she needs help to save her friends and the Princesses, who else does she know that has extremely powerful magic...?


Oh no.

This story takes place after the season 6 finale.

Written for Hey its that Pony for Jinglemas 2023 with the following prompt:

For my jinglemas gift this year, I would like a story about a pair of characters who have to "save" Hearth's Warming.
Characters: I'm not picky about who you choose for this mission, so long as at least one of them is a "villain", former or otherwise.
I find it amusing when an "evil" character needs to be "good".
My definitions of evil and good are very flexible for this. So as long as the first character could be considered an antagonist at one point in time or another, they will fit the bill. Also, their manner of "saving" Hearth's Warming can also be considered to be flexible.
Feel free to toss a third character into the lineup or more if you're feeling it. The choices are whoever you feel will work.
Theme: Comedy preferred, but otherwise you can go nuts with the theme.
Setting can be Equestria Girls or G4:FiM. No Gen 5, I'm just not invested in those characters.

Chapters (1)

It's been a year since her coronation as queen, and Twilight Sparkle has a lot on her mind. Most importantly, the actions of a certain draconequus and how they helped her along her journey.

Chapters (1)